Friday, June 28, 2013

How to write and deliver a great eulogy in 6 simple steps…

How to write and deliver a great eulogy in 6 simple steps…

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kevin burch – as interviewed regularly on the bbc the death of a loved one is a painful experience that we all have to face at some point in our lives.

have you recently lost someone close and now been asked to present the eulogy to all the family and friends?

please don’t panic, i have some good news for you that will without doubt make it much easier for you.

how to write and deliver a great eulogy in 6 simple steps contains:- despite having presided over 100 funerals and delivered around 80 eulogies, i ll never forget the first time i was asked to write a eulogy.

it was for tom, my grandfather. When tom died, my sense of loss was overwhelming. Suddenly i was faced with writing and delivering a eulogy for the first time in my life, in just a few days time.

i stared at the blank page and began to quietly panic i was desperate to do a great job. I deeply wanted and needed to deliver a eulogy that would be remembered, but i wasn t sure how. Tom had been like a father to me and now he was gone. His life was so full, and he had done so much, that it was hard to know where to start and how to describe him.

in fact, it was hard to find any words at all, let alone words that would do justice to his memory; words that i would have to present to a room full of people that loved him too. I was feeling pretty emotional and wanted to keep it together on the day so i could do my best, and that was nerve-racking to say the least.

you may be…read more detail

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