Thursday, August 8, 2013

Healing the critical parent

Healing the critical parent

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if you constantly hear a nagging, critical voice inside your head, a voice that’s always putting you down, then it’s most likely the inner critical parent.

while your ego also can put you down, it’s not quite as singularly-focused as the critical parent. The critical parent voice is always harping on you, always nagging you, always criticizing you. For some people, the voice sounds just like their own mother or father. For others, it’s a voice unique to their own personality. Either way, it’s time to end it.

while everyone has an ‘inner parent’ – not everyone experiences the dark side of it. For some, the inner parent nurtures and offers words of love. But most of us don’t have that luxury. (yet )

whether your inner parent is critical or nurturing depends on how your own life has developed. The more you were nurtured, the more nurturing your inner parent will be. But the more criticism you had to endure, then the more critical your inner parent will be.

unlike the inner child and inner adolescent, you don’t need to spend a whole lot of time working with your inner parent. It’s a different type of energy. The main thing is that you’ve got to get it to stop criticizing you.

and that’s exactly what this meditation is designed to do. You will go to meet your inner parent, talk to it, and with a few simple suggestions, you can get it to completely change its ways.

it’s easy to change your critical parent into a nurturing parent. This medit…read more detail

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