Thursday, August 8, 2013

How to get your baby physically superb

How to get your baby physically superb

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want to ensure your baby’s physical development is on track? all you have to do is follow a few easy steps, and you can have your baby mastering all the important milestones

from: dalene joubert re: fully developing your ba by’s skills & ability a few days ago 2 neatly dressed technicians pitched up at my office to repair my air conditioner. I was really delighted they responded so quickly.

but my joy quickly changed when i saw how these 2 guys were clearly showing how not to repair an air conditioner.

after about 45 minutes and trying to figure out what spanner to use, what screwdriver, how to disassemble the contraption or how to spot the problem they left.

and i was still left hot and bothered. All this changed when another technician pitched up with a teeny weenie little toolbox and extremely skilfully repaired whatever was broken in less than 5 minutes.

does this sound familiar to you? it sure does to me but as they left it suddenly struck me how often i see the very same thing happening with many babies’ development.

i often see parents spending enormous amounts of money buying their babies everything imaginable trying to boost their skills and ability… Even trying to get them crawling or sitting or walking.

in fact, they would eagerly spend tens of thousands of dollars if they could just buy their baby a few more skills.

so they pointlessly keep on throwing money and effort around hoping and wishing that the…read more detail

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