Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lose weight easy hypnosis

Lose weight easy hypnosis

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alarming: 95% of people who lose weight with traditional methods gain it all back and then some… Even if you’ve tried everything under the sun to lose weight and keep it off, you’re about to discover an easier, more reliable and more effective solution to sustained weight loss…

how to finally break free from the horrific dieting roller coaster so you can finally rescue your will power and achieve your ideal weight with no stress, no pills and no worries about gaining it back…ever

hallelujah valerie dawson shines the spotlight of truth on the weight loss sham that’s been going on for decades and reveals to you the real way to lose weight.

dear friend, it’s true. Over 95% of people who manage to lose weight gain it all back, and most even end up gaining more than they started with. There’s something seriously wrong here, and yet no one is talking about it. Here’s the silver lining: there is something out there that does work the way it’s supposed to. Today people are reaching their weight loss goals without having to eat like a bird, without going on fad diets, without counting calories and carbs, without pills, and without missing out on the finer things in life, like the full passionate enjoyment of a wonderful gourmet meal. Unfortunately only a small number of fortunate people are taking full advantage of this miraculous method for losing weight and, most importantly, keeping it off. They are doing it with hypnosis.

why put a bandage on the problem i’m valerie dawson and as a certified hypnotherapist i know first hand that hypnosis works. When you tap into the subconscious mind, where all of our habits reside, you can work wonders with the roots of problems such as overeating, unhealthy food choices and a sedentary lifestyle – all causes of weight gain. When you’re hypnotized we’ll erase your bad habits and replace them with positive ones, so that you can eat healthy, exercise and keep your ideal weight because you have an inner desire to do it, not because of any other outside influence.

so why don’t more people know about this? is it some kind of vast medical conspiracy? well as a matter of fact, there is. Just imagine how all those big diet companies would feel if their lackluster weight loss methods were exposed for being second-best imagine if everyone who wanted to lose weight did it with hypnosis, and never had to worry about dieting again do you think big diet would go belly up? you betcha so there’s a great big lid being kept on this information by the pharmaceutical companies to the diet gurus to the giant weight loss clubs they’re holding the truth hostage for the sake of their own survival.

but now you know the truth if you’ve been programmed to believe that diets, programs, pills, shakes, rigorous exercise, and self-deprivation are the only ways to lose weight, it’s no wonder you’re still searching for the right weight loss method. There’s a way to lose weight and keep it off foreve…read more detail

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