Sunday, August 18, 2013

Ultimate small business tax reduction guide

Ultimate small business tax reduction guide

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discover the secret to lowering your small business taxes — instantly and easily how to quickly slash your tax bill — legally, ethically — with no fear of an irs audit

plus thousands of dollars in free bonuses — “thank you for the great tax-saving strategies you’ve helped me to use in my business. Just one simple suggestion saved me $2,295 in taxes my first year. I never would have thought of this strategy on my own. I’ve been able to utilize this same technique year after year — and this year i’ll save over $6,000 from this one loophole.”

dear small business owner or self-employed person: the tax burden of the sole proprietor is staggering. According to conservative estimates, small business owners and the self-employed are overpaying their taxes by $160 billion every year .

a statistic like that can mean only one thing to you: everybody knows that the wealthy have been using fancy tax-reduction schemes for decades. With enough high-paid tax attorneys, any “fat cat” can get away with paying no tax at all.

but what about the average, middle-class small business owner? what about the self-employed person who is just starting out and who doesn’t have an extra 5 or 10 grand to spend on complicated tax-avoidance strategies and exorbitant tax consulting fees?

so, what can you do to reduce your taxes, without spending an arm and a leg? and what can you do to protect yourself from the onslaught of frivolous, time-consuming and potentially b…read more detail

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