Sunday, July 28, 2013

#1 Best SEO Link Building Software – Backlink Beast

#1 Best SEO Link Building Software - Backlink BeastClick Image To Visit Site After using our SEO services and software… Our current clients have been able to achieve Over 6,500 TOP page rankings in Google, Bing, and Yahoo

Post Panda and Penguin, link diversity is no longer an option… it’s REQUIRED! Backlink Beast can provide more "hands off" link diversity than any other program on the market. Backlink Beast automates your link diversity by building you THOUSANDS of links from…

1000′s of Custom Sites built on platforms such as BuddyPress, Drupal, WordPress, Oxwall, Social Engine, and more!

Keep out of Google’s crosshairs, and relax knowing that YOU are in complete control of your linking and rankings! Use Backlink Beast to automate these link tiers. Protect your money site while hammering it with reputable links from what we call "buffer links". These buffer links act as barriers to any potential over-optimization of using too many exact match target keywords in the links to your money site. Essentially, the link tiers act as a "buffer" for your money site! And THIS is how to protect your money site. Do NOT hammer away at your money site like we did back in the day with nothing but our target keywords. Those days are long gone!

Here’s a quick example… First build links to your money site using "URL as anchor text" or generic keywords as anchor text, from a few higher quality submissions in Backlink Beast. We’ll call this Tier B links. From there, auto-build tons of other links using your target keywords, and variations of them to your Tier B links (controlling the anchor text used within Backlink Beast). We’ll call these Tier A links. You can even take it further and build even more new links to your Tier A links… and so on…

DON’T STOP THERE… Set up Backlink Beast’s schedular once, click the ON button, and let Backlink Beast continue building more links to each tier as time goes by, keeping the natural growth of the links coming in… while off doing something else!

No more hand holding and babysitting your software! Unlike other so-called automated link building programs, Backlink Beast doesn’t require you to sit and watch its every move. With other programs, you need to wait for accounts to be created, enter decaptcha forms, wait for verification emails to be sent, wait for approval from sites… yada yada yada… What a pain! We’ve eliminated this hand-holding experience completely with our…

Backlink Beast’s multi-threaded submission process is like having 100 employees creating your accounts, submitting your content, building your links, and generating your reports at the exact same time!

Use our built-in campaign scheduler to distribute your links evenly over time, drip feeding them to your sites naturally. You can set it up months in advance so you do the work once and it keeps pumping links and rankings for weeks and months to come… totally hands off.

We have seemlessly integrated the best indexing service online to-date into Backlink Beast. In order… Read more…

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