Click Image To Visit Site If you answered yes to the above, then this new stock photography eBook covers everything you need to know about selling stock photography.
We have left no stone unturned and reveal all the secrets to producing a library of images that bring in a consistent, residual monthly income:
(Recently sold for $352.19 at Alamy Images Competing with nearly 18 million other images! Could YOU take a simple shot like that?)
I have been a photographer since 1980 (when I was just 13), I have been shooting stock photography for over 5 years and currently have some of the top selling images in the world in my online libraries taken with nothing more than a prosumer DSLR and lens.
An added benefit is that you can use these sales (when you see them) as part of your portfolio…what better way to show off your work to a potential client than in commercial print? I first learned how to sell stock photos long before microstock was born…in the days of the traditional photo libraries.
So is pretty much any market since the internet boom and to be honest, the more people that think that, the better for me! Keeps the competition away! Here’s a little tip from my Business of Photography book for those of you with bigger ba**s (excuse the French but whingers annoy me)…
"Would you rather enter a dead market with nothing going on or would you rather learn how to sell stock photos and enter a market that is booming and growing rapidly with many people making money? Would you rather take a small piece of a huge pie or take the whole pie with no filling? It’s common business sense 101".
The only people not making money from stock photography are those who don’t do it or those who give up.
Sure, you may not make a fortune or full time living from stock alone…I don’t, but I have made enough to pay our mortgage on a property in Spain and more every month since my initial batch of uploads 5-6 years ago, and there are quite a few who do make a healthy, full time living from this…including people who were new to photography just 5 years ago…
What would you do with a few hundred or maybe a few thousand extra Dollars a month…every month, that comes in whether you keep working or not?
The first batch of images that I uploaded more than 5 years ago are still bringing in a solid, residual monthly income and the sales and Dollars earned just keep growing even when up against 10 million other images!!!
Check out the images! Dumper trucks & building site, a flagpole and an umbrella on a beach that sold for $439!
Now take a look at the following snapshot from one day of one of the 6 microstock accounts that I upload to (this is only my 3rd highest earning account).I now earn more… Read more…
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