Click Image To Visit Site Find Out How… I Reached Diamond Status in Just Two Easy Days with ALL THREE RACES, Dominated all Tiers, Mastering 1v1, 2v2 and 4v4 Easily, Perfected Build Orders and Destroyed the Competition using the Top Secret Advanced Economic, Expansion and Harassment Tactics… and How You Can Too!
World’s Most Comprehensive StarCraft 2 Strategy Guide Unlocks Multiplayer Secrets for Millions
I spent months using stealth tactics to track high level players everywhere from BattleNet learning from them. And one day, I hit the jackpot… I met one of the true gurus of the game. He took me under his wing, showed me how this game was meant to be played – how the professionals play it, how they win major tournaments every year around the globe. At first, I just won a few 2v2 matches with him. Then I started playing solo and was taking home 1v1 matches. My record started out in the red – with more losses than wins. Within three weeks, I was moving up to the higher ranks – hitting silver, gold, platinum, then diamond. It was a comeback worthy of the Rocky theme and I kept getting better. Eventually, my mentor moved on, but in his wake, I had become an entirely different player. But, I didn’t want to stop there. I wasn’t happy just winning matches. I wanted to obliterate my opponents and be one of the best out there. So, I hit up YouTube, I read forums, I played with dozens of other people on 2v2 and started learning tactics from the world’s best players.
At first, I was winning a lot of matches with 3-5 strategies. But, after a few more weeks, I was tearing up the leader boards with more than two dozen strategies – rotating through them as needed and adapting to my opponents. At that time, I discovered just what it was they were doing, the tactics involved to winning and leveling quickly- and then improved upon their methods myself and even created amazingly easy yet efficient new techniques. They never suspected a thing, that is, until I started building faster and destroying them… all of them…
I didn’t just spy on other players, but I interrogated them as well. Any time I saw high level players I would strike up a conversation so I could learn all their secrets for myself. The most common reaction from these players was to laugh about how easy it was to level quickly, which build orders to run and how stupid people were for not doing it too. Most of them wouldn’t tell me their secrets, but slowly a few of them started to crack and let me have little tips about what they were doing.
Their strategies were so stupidly simple I was amazed I hadn’t thought of them first. Many of them had "secret" techniques to dominate the game using a top secret Economic, Expansion and Harassment Tactics to level quickly. (If you’re like me you’re going to freak out… Read more…
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